Freelance WordPress Developer vs Trusted Partner/Agency : Which is Best for Your Agency?

As of 2024, there are over 810 million WordPress websites, both active and inactive. Every other business in the world requires a solid digital presence, and one of the critical ways to achieve it is to hire WordPress developer and build a website preferred by users.

With the increase in competition, a professional developer is needed to satisfy your project requirements. So, a big question is whether to go for a freelancer or hire WordPress Development Agency. Here’s a guide that will aid you in decision-making.

Working with a Freelancer

A freelancer works with clients on a project basis and is mainly retained on a contract basis. Freelancers are flexible when getting a project done. They adapt to the client’s timeline and are often cost-effective for the company. The business can hire freelancers with specialized skills to meet project needs.

However, freelancers are not readily available, especially for long-term projects. They work solo, and they might become unavailable for your business in times of multiple clients. Another con of hiring with a freelancer is complete dependency on an individual skill. WordPress development company has multiple trained developers capable of tackling problems in a project, which isn’t possible with freelancing.

Working with WordPress Development Agency

The most significant advantage of engaging with agencies is their collaborative environment. Your business project gets specialized skills from different experts and professionals. The agency also has a standard and well-defined management style that ensures the project is on safe ends.

But, with the benefits come specific cons. The cost of working with an agency, especially for WordPress custom development, is high. Small business owners who have just started in the market cannot always afford the high budget. Due to the many projects at hand, the agency can fail to offer personalized attention to each client. 

Also read: The Benefits of Outsourcing WordPress Maintenance and Support

Difference at a Glance

Points of Difference

Hiring a Freelancer

Hiring a WordPress Development Agency


1. Cost Factor

The cost of working with a freelancer is low


The cost might be higher for small & new businesses.

2. Work Assurance

Freelancer might be unfit for the project

The agency has a huge pool of talented employees, which gives assure of quality work.


3. Flow of Work

Semi-formal way of project delivery

Standard and pre-decided work delivery


4. Project Size

Fits well for a small-scale project

Works best in case of long-term project requirements


5. Risk

Is a little risky due to dependency on a single professional

Fully dependable due to the huge pool of talent available at hand


Understand Your Project Requirements

Based on your business and project requirements, the factors below will help you decide.


Agencies are responsible for planning, executing, and managing your project and ensuring the work is completed on time. By engaging with WordPress’s custom development service provider, you’ll not be burdened by any management hassle.

On the other hand, freelancers are a man army. They work solo and are entirely responsible for the work. In case of sickness, project doubts, or problems, your company has to be in charge of the pending work and face delays.

2, Result Quality

High-quality work delivery is one assurance you get while working with an agency. Maximum reputed agencies have standards when it comes to quality work delivery. Agency developers also tend to keep upskilling and staying updated with WordPress’s top trends and predictions.

On the other hand, freelancers have multiple clients who bring the cash for them. Based on the project, their Quality of work might change, creating a disturbance in your project.

3. Cost of Project

With the pros of hiring an agency comes the biggest con: the high cost. Since the platform offers professional services with complete management, working with an agency costs more than working with a freelancer.

However, if you’re a small business owner just starting out in the market, working with a high-quality freelance service provider who will also fit your budget is recommended.

Final Words

When the topic is hiring professional talent for a business, there’s no size that fits all. Depending upon the working environment of the business and project need, one can select to work with either of the options.

As we transparently mentioned, the pros and cons of both options are available, and the final decision is up to you. The final take will be based on your judgment on evaluating the project’s complexity while aligning the budget resources as a business owner. 

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